Sometimes you feel that the weed you’re smoking is no longer cutting it and feels like you need this extra surge of high to experience a better time. We’ ve all been looking for some additional ways to make our high feel more intense or stronger, without spending tons of money and going through a lot of trouble to do so.
Whether the quality of the weed you’re smoking is just below average or just your tolerance levels have significantly increased, here are ways to make your weed high stronger.

Store your weed better
If you keep your weed in those little plastic baggies for a while after you’ve acquired them, there’s a possibility that the weed could lose some of its potency due to the conductive nature of the plastic, minute electrical charges could end up harming the quality of your flower. Fix this by finding an alternative to the plastic bags, such as a more sustainable glass jar or metal container; you’d be thinking of the environment too!
Sometimes you feel that the weed you’re smoking is no longer cutting it and feels like you need this extra surge of high to experience a better time. We’ ve all been looking for some additional ways to make our high feel more intense or stronger, without spending tons of money and going through a lot of trouble to do so.
Whether the quality of the weed you’re smoking is just below average or just your tolerance levels have significantly increased, here are ways to make your weed high stronger.
Store your weed better
If you keep your weed in those little plastic baggies for a while after you’ve acquired them, there’s a possibility that the weed could lose some of its potency due to the conductive nature of the plastic, minute electrical charges could end up harming the quality of your flower. Fix this by finding an alternative to the plastic bags, such as a more sustainable glass jar or metal container; you’d be thinking of the environment too!

Exercise and work out more
Higher and more intense exercises mean better control of your body fat, and that is where a lot of THC from the weed is absorbed and stored. Regulating this can actually help reduce the amount of body fat thus decreasing the amount of THC stored in your fat resulting in a stronger high. Plus exercise is always good for you!

Exercise and work out more
Higher and more intense exercises mean better control of your body fat, and that is where a lot of THC from the weed is absorbed and stored. Regulating this can actually help reduce the amount of body fat thus decreasing the amount of THC stored in your fat resulting in a stronger high. Plus exercise is always good for you!
Change up your smoking techniques
Joints are no longer enough? try switching it up a little bit to experience a new type of high such as a more intense bong hit, or a highly concentrated vape hit, or just completely change the way the weed is getting in your system and give edibles a chance, you ‘ll be in for a nice time.

Change up your smoking techniques
Joints are no longer enough? try switching it up a little bit to experience a new type of high such as a more intense bong hit, or a highly concentrated vape hit, or just completely change the way the weed is getting in your system and give edibles a chance, you ‘ll be in for a nice time.

Mangoes, Mangoes, and Mangoes
In addition to the fact that mangoes are delicious and rich in vitamins and nutrients, mangoes can be a great tool to prolong and intensify one’s high. Mangoes contain Myrcene, which is responsible for pushing the THC in an accelerated way into the bloodstream. Nature’s own weed high catalyst!
Mangoes, Mangoes, and Mangoes
In addition to the fact that mangoes are delicious and rich in vitamins and nutrients, mangoes can be a great tool to prolong and intensify one’s high. Mangoes contain Myrcene, which is responsible for pushing the THC in an accelerated way into the bloodstream. Nature’s own weed high catalyst!

Just Take a Small Break
Sometimes whatever you try, it’s just not gonna cut it, you feel as if your body has developed a certain tolerance that makes you feel a less significant high. Taking a short to medium length break (anywhere from 2 weeks upwards) could substantially aid you to lower your tolerance for weed and get you back to enjoying that beautiful flower you so long for!

Just Take a Small Break
Sometimes whatever you try, it’s just not gonna cut it, you feel as if your body has developed a certain tolerance that makes you feel a less significant high. Taking a short to medium length break (anywhere from 2 weeks upwards) could substantially aid you to lower your tolerance for weed and get you back to enjoying that beautiful flower you so long for!

Stay tuned to this website for more updates and news related to cannabis!
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