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Basic Info

Name: Jungle Boys Weed Club

Minimum Age: 18


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Smoking devices available: Paper, filters, grinder, bongs, vaporizers

Bar: Tea, infusions, coffee, cakes, sodas, snacks, sweets

Cannabis Clubs Available Today

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Located in a fantastic spot right next to the beach in sunny Barcelona, Jungle Boys Weed Club pairs its stunning location with its clean, sharp, yet chill interior to create a space perfect for everyone. Their plant collection is also noteworthy as their dispensary is filled with flowers of all colors and odors. Their wide selection enavles this club to cater for several needs and not only provide solutions to one specific segment.

The club boasts a somewhat abstract feel yet is very hip and chill, resonating its down-to- earth vibes.

All in all, the Jungle Boys Weed Club is a a perfect example of what a private social club should be.