People the world over are discovering how the natural and holistic healing powers of medical cannabis can affect their lives in such positive ways. Medical cannabis, including CBD, is known to treat a wide array of ailments and conditions – without the harmful side effects of many BigPharma drugs.
Medical Cannabis
In the world of medical cannabis, you can choose between products containing THC that produce psychoactive effects (i.e. relaxation or boost in energy) in addition to the healing properties – or you can select a CBD product that has no psychoactive effects at all. Either way, medical cannabis can affect your life and provide the healing and comfort you desire and deserve. Following are just some of the conditions medical cannabis is proven to treat:
Chronic pain:
Studies show that cannabis (and other products containing cannabinoids) is effective at relieving chronic pain, one of the leading causes of disabilities in the world.
Alcoholism and drug addiction:
While some feel that cannabis is addictive itself, many studies show that using marijuana can actually help people with alcohol or hard drug dependencies to fight their addictions.
Depression, social anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder:
Evidence suggests that cannabis helps treat several mental health conditions, especially those related to anxiety, stress and depression.
There is also strong evidence that oral cannabinoids are effective in treating nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. In addition, there are some studies that have found cannabis to aid in slowing the spread of some cancers (such as testicular), although this is still not considered conclusive.
Multiple sclerosis:
Short-term use of oral cannabinoids is found to offer modest improvement in the symptoms of spasticity for those with multiple sclerosis.

A health aid without the psychoactive effects: CBD

CBD is the common chemical compound found in cannabinoids that contains a minuscule amount of THC and known for its wide array of safe, natural and holistic health benefits. These include: maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, treating epilepsy and Dravet syndrome, enhancing skincare, regulating hormonal imbalances and alleviating PMS symptoms in women, promoting healthy digestion, improving sleep quality, and more.
Again, whichever cannabis product you choose for whatever ailment you have, there’s little doubt you’ll be immensely impressed how medical cannabis can affect your life!
Stay tuned to this blog for more updates, information and education on all things cannabis!
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