We all know that cannabis gets you high – and we also know that it provides relief for many medical ailments: from anxiety, depression and PTSD – to chronic pain, glaucoma and more. But did you know there are several uses of marijuana that specifically help women? Following are five uses and benefits of cannabis that you may not be aware of:
Alleviates PMS symptoms.
By interacting with the receptors in our endocannabinoid system – the biological system that affects our central nervous system, including the brain – cannabis can alleviate many PMS symptoms such as cramps, mood swings, stress, anxiety, bloating, fatigue, constipation and more.

Alleviates PMS symptoms.
By interacting with the receptors in our endocannabinoid system – the biological system that affects our central nervous system, including the brain – cannabis can alleviate many PMS symptoms such as cramps, mood swings, stress, anxiety, bloating, fatigue, constipation and more.

Helps manage hormonal imbalance.
Research shows that marijuana helps regulate the secretion of cortisol, the stress activating hormone. By influencing the regulation of hormones, cannabis acts as a preventative measure against hormonal imbalance that can cause menstrual irregularity, weight gain, mood swings, and even hair loss.
Helps manage hormonal imbalance.
Research shows that marijuana helps regulate the secretion of cortisol, the stress activating hormone. By influencing the regulation of hormones, cannabis acts as a preventative measure against hormonal imbalance that can cause menstrual irregularity, weight gain, mood swings, and even hair loss.

Enhances your beauty regime.
Loaded with nutrient-rich, all-natural properties, cannabis is the ultimate addition to your beauty regime! From anti-aging serums to stress-reducing supplements, cannabis (and CBD) products have become the latest craze in the beauty world!

Enhances your beauty regime.
Loaded with nutrient-rich, all-natural properties, cannabis is the ultimate addition to your beauty regime! From anti-aging serums to stress-reducing supplements, cannabis (and CBD) products have become the latest craze in the beauty world!

Helps to maintain cholesterol levels.
Studies have found that cannabis can affect metabolism-related genes to manage the level of cholesterol, thereby helping to prevent high levels of LDL cholesterol.
Helps to maintain cholesterol levels.
Studies have found that cannabis can affect metabolism-related genes to manage the level of cholesterol, thereby helping to prevent high levels of LDL cholesterol.

Promotes healthy digestion.
Studies also find that cannabis can help regulate digestion and modulate bowel movements — in addition to alleviating symptoms associated with bloating, cramping, inflammation and nausea. There’s good reason why cannabis is recommended even for the side effects of cancer.

Promotes healthy digestion.
Studies also find that cannabis can help regulate digestion and modulate bowel movements — in addition to alleviating symptoms associated with bloating, cramping, inflammation and nausea. There’s good reason why cannabis is recommended even for the side effects of cancer.

Final thoughts
An additional important use and benefit of cannabis in how it improves sleep quality. Cannabis is known to boost signaling through serotonin receptors, thereby reducing anxiety. By reducing anxiety, it in turn helps to decrease sleep difficulties, including insomnia, even for those with chronic pain.
With the ability to alleviate so many health conditions — without any of the harmful side effects caused by so many Big Pharma drugs — cannabis offers something positive for every woman (and man)!
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