Google Rating

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Basic Info

Name: Casanova Cannabis Club


Social Media: 


Smoking devices available: Paper, filters, grinder, bongs, vaporizers

Bar: Tea, infusions, coffee, cakes, sodas

Cannabis Clubs Available Today

Not all cannabis clubs are open for new members.
It is always best to contact them directly to confirm you can show up.
Or, you can also rely on affiliated websites to confirm they are available.

Final Review

This club is located in the Eixample district around the Hospital Clinic area. The club boasts a very chilled atmosphere and a cool vibe given its theme and decor. What we love the most is the decor, the club is filled with vintage and modern games and toy models, with tables shaped like gaming consoles and handles, walls with murals and cool paintings; the club really has such a cool vibe. Their staff is super friendly and helpful and are willing to guide you well through your cannabis journey. 

About their weed, the club offers a wide collection of strains that we consider super high quality, and of high value. This is a club we would definitely recommend for those who are looking for a special experience when joining a cannabis club.