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Basic Info

Name: Marieta Weed Club

Minimum Age: 18


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Smoking devices available: Paper, filters, grinder, bongs, vaporizers

Bar: Tea, infusions, coffee, cakes, sodas, cakes, cookies

Cannabis Clubs Available Today

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Marieta Weed Club is a staple private club in the Poble Sec district where it boasts some of the most diverse selection of cannabis and derivative products. Minutes away from tons of attractions and the infamous Montjuic park, Marieta Weed Club is famous for its chill young vibe and colorful yet super comfy vibes.

The club has so much to offer, its quite difficult to put it all in words, their collection of parafernalia and gadgets are neverending allowing all you stoners out there to experiment and enjoy all the different techniques and methods of enjoying cannabis.